Tower Housing in Plaça Europa

The project is in the field of Plaça Europa, at Hospitalet de Llobregat. It is a 14-story housing, with retail spaces on the ground floor, and parking in the basement. There exist two simple-dwelling standard floors, where there are 2, 3 and 4-bedroom housing, placed around a central core of vertical communications. Dwellings are placed in a way that the form a swastika, with the living and dining spaces on the edges of the tower, to guarantee the double orientation. This fact permits to locate the terraces in different façades, creating different tribunes that will change their position depending on the floor where they are. Humid zones and equipments courts form an inner ring around the central core.

Programme : Housing
Location : L'Hospitalet de Llobregat, Barcelona, Spain  
Client : Comapa Immobiliaria  
Architect : Ramón Sanabria
Surface : 9.620m2  
Status : Built